Install of Business Query for Excel

Hi everyone,
I was wondering if anyone is experiencing difficulty with install od Bus Query.

I have oracle 7.3, Bus Obj 4.11 and have previously been successful with the install on a desktop. I have failed three times in install on a laptop (Dell Latitude LM) win95… Office 97

The error I keep getting is :Component is missing or corrupt: Run Install again

DeBug info
Description : KAGTUSER.dll
Module Name: KAGTUSER.dll

I have unsuccessfully tried to get tech support to help me. I was on the phone with them for two hours and they even re-sent me their KAGTUSER.dll file…

Please let me know if there is anyone out there that has experienced this problem, and actually got the darn thing to work.

I have uninstalled both Bus Obj and Microsoft Office 97 three times because this install seems to be trying to read the Bqapi.xll as an excel file etc…

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)


Try checking your PATH Statements in your Autoexec.bat file. Business Query and Excel both need to know where the bqapi.dll is located. (if it can’t find the component this is a good bet)… Some of the information that may make a difference is they Version of Windows and whether any of the applications are on a shared installation (Excel or BO).


Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)