Im a little confuse about Infoview and WebI, and I dont have yet a environment to do some tests, but my question is, can you have installed Infoview without WebI? I mean, just Infoview as a tool to access (and maybe refresh) your reports created using full-client app from other Pc? I mean, if we have limitations in WebI (data providers), can we use full-client to create reports and just infoview as a to review them through web? Can you buy Infoview without webI?
Infoview is not a product, it is a role. Webi is a platform.
Infoview means you can read, refresh, and print documents.
Webi is a platform you can use to do that, BusinessObjects is another.
So you can have BusinessObjects Infoview, or Webi Infoview. BusObj and Webi are the platforms, and Infoview is the role (or permission set) for the user. Make sense?
You have Web Intelligence as a way to view the reports on the web. If you are only using the “view” capabilities, you are required to have a license for Infoview. Your license is Infoview, the platform is Webi.
You can just as easily (although less common) have a license for Infoview and the platform is Windows Client, meaning BusinessObjects.
If you want to create reports, then you need a Reporter license. That license can be on Windows, on the Web, or dual. In other words, you can use BusinessObjects Reporter or Webi Reporter. BusinessObjects Reporter creates .REP files, Webi Reporter creates WQY or WID (v6) files.
But you cannot have Reporter without Infoview first.
It’s very confusing… more so since BusinessObjects decide to use an Infoview graphic in the top corner of the Webi screen. It actually has nothing to do with being in Webi.
I am new (3 months) to Business objects and understanding product names, nomenclature and functionality has been difficult for me.
I consider InfoView a portal for the delivery of reports and Webi as a web based tool to create reports. If I remove a user’s right to ‘Create Documents’ within the WebIntelligence Configuration in Supervisor, that user will not see the ‘Create a New Document’ link in Infoview.
Ok, I think that I begin to understand my confusion . So WebI is my platform and Infoview the way to view my reports, right? but there is another tool WebIntelligence (the WebI report) that I can use or not. I could just create my reports from a full client and access them from Infoview (via WebI), I dont need to do that reports via WebIntelligence right?
In the old license scheme, you had WebIntelligence: the platform. It was made up of Infoview, Reporter, and Explorer. At one point they merged Reporter and Explorer.
Now that we are in the new world, you have BO Pro which includes InfoView. This is the lowest level of the infrastructure licensing. You can add on Explorer and/or WebIntelligence (Reporter).