BusinessObjects Board

Information Steward Metadata/Repository Tables for Match Rev

Hi Experts at BOB,

This question is specific to Match Review configuration of Information Steward (an SAP Data Services Tool).

My question is:

Where all changes are recorded when reviewing match groups in Information Steward (IS) . For instance if a note is added to a record in a group then where it goes and also other changes like match/un-match etc. I understand that few changes are recorded in a table called activity (’_ACT’) for each input table an activity table is created but that does not record all changes. For the Information Steward repository I am using default database (SQL Anywhere 17.x) which comes with the software.

While searching online I found following SQL which gives all modified tables if IS repository is created using SQL server database:

SELECT OBJECT_NAME(OBJECT_ID) AS Table_Name, last_user_update,*
FROM sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats
WHERE database_id = DB_ID( ‘IS_REPO’)
ORDER BY last_user_update desc

I am using SQL Anywhere database so is there anything equivalent of above SQL for SQL Anywhere database ?

also can you please let me know what is best way to find out where all changes stored which are made during Match review.


softsys :us: (BOB member since 2005-05-13)