We have a TESTING and a PROD domain. We’re testing some .rep fixes from TESTING. When we first deployed to TESTING most of the reports got INF 00130 errors from Infoview and Storage Token errors from our SDK. We ran a Scan/Repair/Compact and all was fine, for about 12 hours! Then again this morning we’re getting the errors again.
Update: research indicates that the document TESTING domain’s directory is being created, but the report never makes it on those that get the error. Further, even those that do initially work will eventually quit working. Also, if you sit idle long enough within your session (2 minutes) before trying to open another doc things seem to work better, as if the storage tokens are not resetting fast enough?? Augh! However, the Production domain/directory/reports don’t have this problem and never have!
We have a 6.0 and 6.1b environment and we get the same results from both. These reports, which are all BusObj reports, all run fine from desktop.
I found topics that address filename length; we tried shortening the names that and still have the problem. This also means it apparently has nothing to do with common names across domains because the shortened name was unique within the entire repository.
Has anybody experienced this behavior as well? Was there a resolution? I’ve opened a ticket with BusObj. Will keep this topic updated.
charliebrown (BOB member since 2002-09-03)