Incorporating ReportName in Header?

There is one approach I thought of which may not be the best or the

  1. Create and execute a script as follows :

Sub Main
Application.Variables.Item(“ReportName”).Value = ActiveReport.Name
End Sub

  1. Now define the formula in the cell as

  2. Every time the script is excuted, the variable ‘ReportName’ is set to
    the name of the active Report Tab.

If I think of better methods, I will let you know. I have not yet figured
out a way to have a cell execute Script Functions.

Hope this helps.


Original Message from @ HUB on 04/07:
Is there any way to incorporate the “ReportName” (the value that appears
on the tabs that separate reports in a document) into the header (or
title) of the report itself? It seems to be missing from the variables
available in the Formula editor.


Steve Aultman
Chevron Info Tech Co.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)