I have a sitiuation whereby I have made a Universe Aggregate Aware. I have set up 1) the contexts correctly 2) the objects with a correctly applied aggreagte_aware() funtion … and finally 3) the object/table incompatibilities correctly.
Everything seems ok until I select some of the more complex % calculating objects.
If I select objects which are defined as follows:
WHEN @Select(LY Margin) IS NULL THEN 0
WHEN @Select(LY Margin) = 0 THEN 0
ELSE 100*(@Select(TY Margin) - @Select(LY Margin)) / @Select(LY Margin)
… where the aggregate_aware function is defined in the “TY Margin” & “LY Margin” object definitions respectively.
… then BO seems to struggle to resolve whether comibinations (which should be compatible) are compatible or not.
I believe this is a bug because using FC I can rearrange the order in which they are selected getting incompatible when intially dragged in and then compatible once I change the order.
That I could live with, however, when building a report in WebI the bug seems a little more of a problem … 1) I wouldnb’t want to rearrange the order, because that’s determines the order on the report output and 2) it doesn’t seem to make a difference anyway?
Anyone experienced this before? Or got any ideas on a workaround?
BO Version 5.1.8 reporting against a UDB DB2 platform.
I have something similar in 5.1.2 when I try to sum aggregate aware objects.
I can’t do
with aggobject defined as “aggregate aware (firstone,secondone)”
but I can do
aggregate aware(sum(firstone),sum(secondone))
Maybe you can do
aggregate aware(case statement1, case statement2)
This is a pain for me because if I want to change the aggregate aware object, I have to hunt for all the places rather than rely on the @select. Unlike you, I never thought to post the question on the forum!