Impact Analysis

Have been going in circles for an answer to this very basic requirement:

We want to clean up our Universe and need to know What Objects are not used in any reports so far.
Otherwise, We pick an Object and a report tells us which reports the Object is used.
Otherwise, we run a SDK which lists all Objects in a Universe and the reports that use that Object.

I’'m very +ve its here in the forum somewhere, just couldn’t find it.

Thanx in advance for help. I’m open to SDK thru Query Builder, any product suggestions, any hack into the Repository, I’m open for all ideas.

jdrc :us: (BOB member since 2002-09-18)


Look under Other Products on this BB - you can look at Auditor, and there might be some other tools you can use also.

Good luck

JMulders :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

If you have Data Integrator ,I think it has Impact and Lineage Analysis capability.
I am not well-versed with DI , but if you look in that forum, you might find useful information

rimpa :india: (BOB member since 2008-04-14)

Using the bO Query Builder, I was wondering if there is a Query out there which can be used to perform this.

I’m all for buying new products, but the more number of people is needed to perform a task, the less the chances to make it successful.

If someone knows the Query to be used in QB, please post it under this topic.

Thank you.

jdrc :us: (BOB member since 2002-09-18)

For Desktop Intelligence documents at least, they are stored as binary files on a filesystem, so a repository query is not going to help. As mentioned previously, Auditor can help. You can also look at this (free) utility as an alternative … List objects used in a series of reports.

Dwayne Hoffpauir :us: (BOB member since 2002-09-19)

Ok…Great references from Dwayne Hoffpauir, I downloaded it and it works great.

My question is still unanswered:

I need to find the specific Object(s) used in ALL the WebI (Crystal if possible) reports including all personal folders of users for a Specific Universe.

Any takers…

Thank you.

jdrc :us: (BOB member since 2002-09-18)

I think you can use the Query Builder to do the same thing for the WEBI reports in the repository and personal folders.

There is one catch though, for webi reports you will not be able to check the conditions and can only check for objects used. For fullclient you should be able to check both.

BOBJConsultant (BOB member since 2008-06-13)

How can I use the same code /report in query builder for WebI reports…any pointers.

jdrc :us: (BOB member since 2002-09-18)