I had got an urgent requirement where we have an existing code and i now want to add nested IF condition with AND
but unfortunately it is creating two rows 1 with blank and other with my value
Existing code
=If([Query 2].[Component]=“Neste Renewable Propane” ;“Neste Biopropane”;
;Replace([MIC ID];“#”;“”)))
Working but Two Rows are coming
=If([Query 5].[Component]=“Neste Renewable Propane” ;“Neste Biopropane”;
If([Query 5].[MIC ID]=“BioJET”;“HEFA”;
If ( ([Query 5].[Bio Criteria Header].[Bio Criteria Header - Key]= “140” And ([Query 5].[Bio Criteria Value] = “Pyrolysis Oil”));(“Pyrolysis Oil” );
If ( ([Query 5].[Bio Criteria Header].[Bio Criteria Header - Key]= “140” And ([Query 5].[Bio Criteria Value] = “Recycled Carbon Fuel”));(“Recycled Carbon Fuel” );
If ( ([Query 5].[Bio Criteria Header].[Bio Criteria Header - Key]= “140” And ([Query 5].[Bio Criteria Value] = “Naphtha”));(“Naphtha” );
If ( ([Query 5].[Bio Criteria Header].[Bio Criteria Header - Key]= “140” And ([Query 5].[Bio Criteria Value] = “Diesel”));(“Diesel” );
If ( ([Query 5].[Bio Criteria Header].[Bio Criteria Header - Key]= “140” And ([Query 5].[Bio Criteria Value] = “Gasoline”));(“Gasoline” );
If ( ([Query 5].[Bio Criteria Header].[Bio Criteria Header - Key]= “140” And ([Query 5].[Bio Criteria Value] = “Naphtha (hydrothermal upgrading)”));(“Naphtha (hydrothermal upgrading)” );
If ( ([Query 5].[Bio Criteria Header].[Bio Criteria Header - Key]= “140” And ([Query 5].[Bio Criteria Value] = “Co-pro naphtha”));(“Co-pro naphtha” );
If ( ([Query 5].[Bio Criteria Header].[Bio Criteria Header - Key]= “140” And ([Query 5].[Bio Criteria Value] = “Co-pro marine fuel”));(“Co-pro marine fuel” );
If ( ([Query 5].[Bio Criteria Header].[Bio Criteria Header - Key]= “140” And ([Query 5].[Bio Criteria Value] = “Co-pro petrol”));(“Co-pro petrol” );
If ( ([Query 5].[Bio Criteria Header].[Bio Criteria Header - Key]= “140” And ([Query 5].[Bio Criteria Value] = “Co-pro LPG”));(“Co-pro LPG” );
If ( ([Query 5].[Bio Criteria Header].[Bio Criteria Header - Key]= “140” And ([Query 5].[Bio Criteria Value] = “Co-pro diesel”));(“Co-pro diesel” );
Replace([Query 5].[MIC ID];“#”;“”))))))))))))))
Can anyone please help who i can write this code in better way so only 1 row will generate
I want to add this attach condition to my old code