BusinessObjects Board

If statement to filter by two test names

Hi first time poster here. I have recently got a job where I use a version of BO.
Im trying to create a variable that will remove certain tests from my report if a condition is true. I am at the very start of my career with very little experience and no one here to teach me. Nothing like being thrown in at the deep end learn to sink or swim. Anyway question is how to write this if statement correctly.

So if[test profile code] + [test profile code] = 1

Then I could filter by the variable to hide the combination of tests I dont want to see.

Am I going down the right path here and problem I’m encountering is using the object (test profile code) I cant work out how to select the two tests in that object I want to filter out with.

This probably doesnt give enough info or just shows my lack of experience.

But any help with this would be greatly appreciated

show us some sample data to understand your problem !
why did you add [test profile code] twice to get the 1 ? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: