We have an unusual issue with the instances’ timestamp that all instances got updated with a single date. Is there a way to update the SI_UPDATE_TS with SI_ENDTIME via VBA code?
Thanks in advance
boausdev (BOB member since 2008-08-04)
We have an unusual issue with the instances’ timestamp that all instances got updated with a single date. Is there a way to update the SI_UPDATE_TS with SI_ENDTIME via VBA code?
Thanks in advance
boausdev (BOB member since 2008-08-04)
Where can you see the same updated date of all instances? I know that some versions of WebI Rich Client do this and it’s a bug. For more details check the KBA 2558500.
Marek Chladny (BOB member since 2003-11-27)
On all scheduled instances. Contacted SAP and they mentioned it is a known bug for 3.1 but it is still happening on 4.2
boausdev (BOB member since 2008-08-04)
We have this issue in WebI Rich Client in the version BI 4.2 SP3 patch 4. So it seams as a re-appearing issue. We also installed patch 12 in a sandbox and the issue is already fixed there.
Which exact version do you use?
Marek Chladny (BOB member since 2003-11-27)
Do you know how to fix this using VBA?
boausdev (BOB member since 2008-08-04)
That’s BI 4.2 SP3 patch 4 where the bug is present.
It’s not a bug with dates in the system database. It’s a bug with WebI Rich Client how it displays them. No chance to fix it using VBA. The only ‘fix’ is to upgrade to a later SP or patch.
Marek Chladny (BOB member since 2003-11-27)
SI_UPDATE_TS is a read-only property. The only option for changing it is very hack-ish: create a BIAR file export of the instances, modify the XML in the file to change the update date, then re-import.
joepeters (BOB member since 2002-08-29)
I have seen the field can be updated using Java with the following code:
So, just wondering if this can also be done via VBA.
boausdev (BOB member since 2008-08-04)
That code will run in Java, but it will have no effect. The object’s si_update_ts will be updated to be the timestamp that the object was modified, regardless of what value the property is changed to.
joepeters (BOB member since 2002-08-29)
Just here to confirm that I have had this exact thing happen (multiple times) in my environment. Have never confirmed a cause (no one here uses Webi rich client). Never found a solution.
4.1 SP7 patch 4
Seagrass (BOB member since 2014-11-18)
Do you use reposcan? That will mess with the last update date.
joepeters (BOB member since 2002-08-29)