Display address if Business type is Inst,but don’t duplicate it for other business types.If address doesn’t have business type =Inst (for case when address= address3)then just display address,something like this:
I’ve created break on address ,used alerters to display business type field when it’s equal to Inst,but the problem is blank rows are created.,something of this sort
I think it should be.
Are you able to select that blank row?
Clicking on the left edge of any blank row (When you see a thick horizontal black arrow) should select all the blank rows and you should be able to delete it.
kumar,i’m not able to select the blank row…instead when i select the blank row,the whole table is highlighted…(the blank row has the break field (address) and bus. type(blanked out by alerter when it is not =Inst )
You did not mention that earlier. I thought the blank row are created by Breaks.
You need to follow a different approach to achieve what you are looking for.
Create a variable
= If ( = “Inst” Then 1 Else 0)
In the Break footer put a Count on this variable.
(So if you have BusinessType = “Inst” for any address, the value in footer will be 1. It will be Zero for address which don’t have Inst.
For Column BusinessType, type following formula in the footer
= If Count() >= 1 Then “Inst” Else “”