how to remove blank rows

Address BusinessType
address1 Minority
address1 Inst
address2 Minority
address2 Inst
address3 BS
address4 Inst
address4 BS

Display address if Business type is Inst,but don’t duplicate it for other business types.If address doesn’t have business type =Inst (for case when address= address3)then just display address,something like this:

address1 Inst
address2 Inst
address4 Inst

I’ve created break on address ,used alerters to display business type field when it’s equal to Inst,but the problem is blank rows are created.,something of this sort

address1 Inst
xxx xxx(blank row)
address2 Inst
xxx xxx(blank row)
address4 Inst
xxx xxx(blank row)

Appreciate if someone can help me remove blank rows,

user222 (BOB member since 2003-11-12)

Format breaks, uncheck show footer should do it, if you’ve described it as I think you have.

Select the Blank Row and delete it 8)

mkumar (BOB member since 2002-08-26)

mark,i’ve unchecked the footer option but it won’t work…
mkumar,wish it’s so simple…

user222 (BOB member since 2003-11-12)

I think it should be.
Are you able to select that blank row?
Clicking on the left edge of any blank row (When you see a thick horizontal black arrow) should select all the blank rows and you should be able to delete it.

mkumar (BOB member since 2002-08-26)

kumar,i’m not able to select the blank row…instead when i select the blank row,the whole table is highlighted…(the blank row has the break field (address) and bus. type(blanked out by alerter when it is not =Inst )

appreciate ur help

user222 (BOB member since 2003-11-12)

You did not mention that earlier. I thought the blank row are created by Breaks.

You need to follow a different approach to achieve what you are looking for.

  1. Create a variable
    = If ( = “Inst” Then 1 Else 0)
  2. In the Break footer put a Count on this variable.
    (So if you have BusinessType = “Inst” for any address, the value in footer will be 1. It will be Zero for address which don’t have Inst.
  3. For Column BusinessType, type following formula in the footer
    = If Count() >= 1 Then “Inst” Else “”
  4. Use fold option for Breaks.
  5. Hide

mkumar (BOB member since 2002-08-26)

that works great…thanks a lot…

user222 (BOB member since 2003-11-12)


Is it possible to use FOLD option for BREAK only if BREAK contains one row ?

I have report where should not be displayed BREAK rows if one row in break, but only BREAK header.


miganos :latvia: (BOB member since 2004-02-06)