I have a requirment. How to pass the parameters(ASP values) to Webi report? Is it possible without using webi sdk or sdk?
Thanks in Advance,
Mahendran K
MahendranK (BOB member since 2004-06-22)
I have a requirment. How to pass the parameters(ASP values) to Webi report? Is it possible without using webi sdk or sdk?
Thanks in Advance,
Mahendran K
MahendranK (BOB member since 2004-06-22)
Yes it is possible. Do a search in this forum for OpenDocument*.
Steve Krandel (BOB member since 2002-06-25)
hi Krandel,
Thanks for ur reply.
I have searched i can not find my requirment. :?
Can you tell me what are the steps to pass the parameters?
Thanks in Advance
Mahendran K
MahendranK (BOB member since 2004-06-22)
My search gives me 41 topics, with this one of them.
you can also find the info in the online guide of designer, in pdf.
toblo (BOB member since 2003-08-22)
Sorry, but you didn’t search very hard. There are 41 topics within the WebI 6 forum alone.
Try these. If these don’t help, then you need to clarify your requirement.
Steve Krandel (BOB member since 2002-06-25)
Thank you very much Krandel
mahendran k
MahendranK (BOB member since 2004-06-22)