I would like to create a Treemap with two dimensions.
For example consider the below data with four columns.
State| Product | Sales |Profit
ABC | Product1 | $34 | 23%
PQR | Product2 | $12 | 7%
XYZ | Product3 | $12 | 7%
MNO| Product4 | $25 | 15%
DEF | Product5 | $23 | 14%
ccc | Product6 | $12 | 7%
Now how can i populate this data into Treemap?
Values(size) and Values(Color) is we can maintain as Sales and Profit respectively.
But when coming to labels part, how to maintain the State and Product columns.
Please suggest me, to populate data into Treemap if we have more than one dimension.
rbogireddy (BOB member since 2011-06-13)