How to give Current Date (Sysdate) in report condition


I have 2 issues

  1. I have to apply condition in report as below

Certification Date <= Sysdate

How is it possible in Report condition without having object in Universe
which store current date and also i don’t want user to provide current date in prompt.

  1. I have prompt on snapshot date. I have object for Employee hire date
    and i need get difference in years between Employee hire date and Date provided by user in Prompt.

How i can implment this at report level?

Thanks in advance


krgodbole (BOB member since 2003-02-24)

  1. You could use VBA or modify the SQL directly. Your best option regarding userfriendliness is modifying the universe though.

  2. Look at the Reporter functions:
    UserResponse, ToDate, DaysBetween or SubStr, ToNumber

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

Thanks for reply

  1. You could use VBA or modify the SQL directly. Your best option regarding userfriendliness is modifying the universe though.
    —Can you please briefly explain this?

  2. Look at the Reporter functions:
    UserResponse, ToDate, DaysBetween or SubStr, ToNumber
    –I used parameter to function UserResponse as Assignment Snapshot Date prompt name in Predefined filter i used in report condition and Data provider name in see when i click on view data. but it returns null.
    Please suggest

Thanks in advance


krgodbole (BOB member since 2003-02-24)

The explanation is that your best bet is to modify the universe to include a sysdate object. There is really no other way to accomplish this that is supportable and distributable across platforms.

Dave Rathbun :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-06)