Need to pick off the most recent activity_date from a list of transactions, by Id, from an Excel spreadsheet. (I tried in Excel but I couldn’t get that to work, it’s a semi-complex formula).
Dataset has
- Id
- activity dates (maybe 50 - 100 per Id)
Logically = “max(activity date) for each unique Id”. Can I do this in WebI?
Here’s my data …
Activity_Date Customer_Id
8/31/2019 1738523
7/31/2019 1738523
6/30/2019 1738523
5/31/2019 1738523
4/30/2019 1738523
3/31/2019 1738523
2/28/2019 1738523
1/31/2019 1738523
12/31/2018 1738523
11/30/2018 1738523
10/31/2018 1738523
9/30/2018 1738523
8/31/2018 1738523
So I want to pick off the most recent date 8/31/2019 for 1738523