How to get literal value of a Month

Hello Phorum ,

i have a cell which echoes the numeric value of a month;

i want to transform this value into its literal form ; for example, instead of echo value “8”, i want to see “AUGUST” .

Thanks in advance.

brisou (BOB member since 2004-07-13)

I think the only option is an if-then-else in this case…

jobjoris :netherlands: (BOB member since 2004-06-30)

try this :wink:

= "Période : "&amp;If <Num_Mois>="01" Then "Janvier" &amp; " "&amp;<No_Annee> Else If <Num_Mois>="02" Then "Février" &amp; " "&amp;<No_Annee> Else If <Num_Mois>="03" Then "Mars" &amp; " "&amp;<No_Annee> Else If <Num_Mois>="04" Then "Avril" &amp; " "&amp;<No_Annee> Else If <Num_Mois>="05" Then "Mai" &amp; " "&amp;<No_Annee> Else If <Num_Mois>="06" Then "Juin" &amp; " "&amp;<No_Annee> Else If <Num_Mois>="07" Then "Juillet" &amp; " "&amp;<No_Annee> Else If <Num_Mois>="08" Then "Août" &amp; " "&amp;<No_Annee> Else If <Num_Mois>="09" Then "Septembre" &amp; " "&amp;<No_Annee> Else If <Num_Mois>="10" Then "Octobre" &amp; " "&amp;<No_Annee> Else If <Num_Mois>="11" Then "Novembre"&amp; " "&amp;<No_Annee> Else If <Num_Mois>="12" Then "Décembre" &amp; " "&amp;<No_Annee>

bernard timbal :fr: (BOB member since 2003-05-26)

Right click the column and select Format Cell. In Catogory area select Time/Date. In Properties type Mmmm Click Add and then OK

Karen Burton :us: (BOB member since 2002-08-22)


I knew there had to be an easier way. But…

It doesn’t work with both my Oracle and Access Database (all my numbers return “jan” with mmm or “January” with Mmmm) so I guess it still requires a date-column to do this formatting.

jobjoris :netherlands: (BOB member since 2004-06-30)

thank for your replies ,

but Karen, as jobjaris said ,with your method i get always “january” whereas i do what you have recommand from a column.

prd_cv1, a syntax error occured when i excute your formula adapted to my dimension variables.

brisou (BOB member since 2004-07-13)

You didn’t just copy/paste it I pressume? Where prd_cv1 stated “<Num_Mois>” you should use your own objects.

jobjoris :netherlands: (BOB member since 2004-06-30)