How to get Condition Objects using VB script in MS Excel?

I think this should be the right place to ask the questions. BO XI R2 SP3-4

The other part of the BO classes/objects is call Condition Objects (filter). How do I use VB script in MS Excel to get the Name, Description, and Where clause of the Condition Objects (filter) also it’s Class name and Description?

OK, Example:

Dim Obj As Designer.Object

Obj.Name is the Object name
Obj.Description is the Object 's Description

Obj.?? is the restriction Condition Object’s Name? it’s description and Where Clause?

Is there any good detail doc to help all the BO VBS on Excel script functions, etc ?

hailieu :us: (BOB member since 2008-03-18)

There is already a utility for this purpose here … Document a universe using Excel and the Designer SDK. It documents the great majority of a universe, including condition object. It’s also a rather thorough demonstration of the objects exposed by the Designer SDK.

Dwayne Hoffpauir :us: (BOB member since 2002-09-19)