how to execute multiple insert statement from a table

Hi Experts,

How to execute multiple insert statements from table in sap bods

I have source table like below. I need to execute Query column insert statement. I have attached the screenshot of table

db_name table_name load_date Query
EDW_TARGET_DEV PRODUCT_DIM 2017/30/06 insert into target table select * from A
EDW_TARGET_DEV CUSTOMER_DIM 2017/30/06 insert into target table select * from B
EDW_TARGET_DEV EMPLOYEE_DIM 2017/30/06 insert into target table select * from C
EDW_TARGET_DEV TIME_DIM 2017/30/06 insert into target table select * from D
EDW_TARGET_DEV PURCHAGE 2017/30/06 insert into target table select * from E
EDW_TARGET_DEV FINACIAL_DIM 2017/30/06 insert into target table select * from F
EDW_TARGET_DEV PROJECT 2017/30/06 insert into target table select * from G


ursfriend77 (BOB member since 2011-03-02)

I’m not quite sure what you’re asking, but I think you’re trying to find out how to split source table data into multiple targets. If I were you, I’d be looking at using a Case transform.

Nemesis :australia: (BOB member since 2004-06-09)

Hi Nemesis,

No I don’t want split source records. My requirement is I have source and source table having column name with “Query”.
This Query column contains “insert into target table select * from A” like this i have 100 insert statements in one column(Query column).
when I execute the job all insert statements should be run.

Thanks and Regards,

ursfriend77 (BOB member since 2011-03-02)