Text data in the database is in upper case but when displaying BO converts their case to Init case. I want to display these data as it is in database. Can anyone tell me how to do that? I don’t want to use any function, is there any setting using which I can solve this problem.
One advantage of detail objects is that they cannot be linked across data providers, which might improve computation time when displaying blocks, which combine data from multiple data providers.
A) Can you post the SQL code of the data provider?
B) Are any local report formulas applied to your cell?
Are you sure? Can you query the text data in the database with another tool?
If you are seeing the data via some other report or panel, perhaps that report or panel is upper-casing the data, and the data really is in mixed case in the database.
I agree with everyone here. BO does not alter the data unless you tell it to do so. It’s possible that your data entry screen is UPPERing it before it stores it.