How to consolidate 2 separate universes into one?

I have 2 separate universes. The 2nd universe should have been created
as new classes and objects within the 1st universe, but instead was
created as a separate universe. Is there a way to merge the 2nd
universe into the 1st universe? (the 2nd universe will go away, the
result being 1 single universe with all tables, classes and objects from
both universes). I know how to make both universes available to users and
how to use both universes to create a single document, but I actually want
the universes combined into one.

The tables do not overlap between the universes, but are all located in
the same database instance (Oracle). However, there may be some objects
that are named the same between the 2 Universes. The 2nd universe is
not too large, so I could go in and rename any objects that might be
named the same as the first universe. I will be able to manually set the
joins between the new tables brought in from the 2nd universe to the
tables in the 1st universe.

I’ve looked around on the CD, but haven’t found anything related to this
yet. Thanks for your help!

Kathryn Whiteley
Sr. Systems Analyst
The Seattle Times

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Look under Linking Universes in the BO Designer’s book. There are all
kinds of merges you can do.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Try the following:

Open the universe that you want incorporated into another universe.
Select all the classes from the universe window using shift-click.
Right mouse button click on them and choose copy.
Close the universe.
Open the universe you want these classes included in.
Right mouse button click on the universe window and choose Paste.

You should be all set.

Donald May

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Hello, Kathryn.

The easiest thing to do would probably be to simple cut the table structure,
and classes and objects from the 2nd universe and paste them into the first.

As long as Class names do not overlap, you should have no problems.

Luis Gonzalez

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)