How should I mention the tablespace of DB2 in Supervisor

Hello All,

Could anyone help me. I asked my DBA to create schema for business objects on DB2 database, because while creating repository , I have to mention that user name and password. But, my dba asking that on which Tablespace that he can create schema. I told him that any tablespace. He is asking that Business object will ask that tablespace or what while creating repository. Becuase I work on Oracle backend. I just specify the user name and password.


Grace (BOB member since 2004-06-09)

Hi Grace - DB2 Tablespace does not matter to BO; you just need the creator or owner – what comes in front of the .tablename.
I saw your other question too and I was wondering what ODBC-compliant middleware the DBAs are giving you - DB2 Connect; Neon Shadow; ?

scott copeland (BOB member since 2002-08-15)

I have a similiar situation. I want to have DB2 to host the repository when Supervisor module is creating the repository, it doesn’t ask for which database to use only for a DB2 userid. This DB2 userid becomes owner of these tables, however these tables are created into DB2 default database (DNDDB04). How can I tell DB2 to use another database?

Claudine (BOB member since 2004-09-28)

OS/390 mainframe or UDB?
in UDB you define a DB2 Connect for each database.
server name is the IP address and then within that you have the different databases or environments - like proddb, testdb, devdb. Each of those are a different port. And all of this is set up by your DBA before you ever get to BO and Supervisor. Once that is done, then you define the connections in DB2 Connect. I name these connections the same as the environment and then I name the BO connection the same too.

And then we do all this with a DB alias on the owner. For example, the real database is called SPSFT but then we create an alias to those tables like BOADMIN. Also, this “owner” alias just happens to be the same as the user ID which makes it a lot easier and sure to confuse the novice.

— and none of these names are real of course - :wink:

scott copeland (BOB member since 2002-08-15)

It’s OS/390 mainframe (BOB member since 2004-09-28)

sorry - been so long I have forgotten how we did a mainframe repository. I think the DBA needs to establish a tablespace first. Actually in Supervisor we couldn’t run the create script for the tables so the DBA ran it outside of BO and created the tables. Then we used Supervisor to define the connection and build the BOmain.key.

HTH - Scott

scott copeland (BOB member since 2002-08-15)

It’s OS/390 mainframe

snap! :smiley:

Assuming this is BusObj v5 (if it’s v6 you’ll have to dig around a bit more maybe) then have a butchers in c:\program files\Business Objects\Data Access 5.0\db2 for the DB2.SBO file. This file lists the Database Engines, and under each engine there’s a SQL External File parameter, thus SQL External File=db2 means that BusinessObjects will use c:\Program Files\Business Objects\Data Access 5.0\db2\db2.sql etc
If you look in the .sql file you’ll see all the CREATE TABLE statements, and you (or your DBAs) can edit that to your heart’s content. The file is pretty self-explanatory, it breaks down into the three different domains, create and delete. When you create a domain, BusinessObjects just executes the whole bunch of sql, so you can also include things like SET CURRENT SQLID in there too if you need it.
It’s up to you (or your DBAs) whether you create the tablespaces beforehand or in the DB2.sql file; I would probably do them beforehand.

What version of DB2 z/os are you on? The above is correct for v7.

:!: This is just how I’ve figured out how to do it; I don’t know if (a) it’s the ‘proper’ way or (b) it’s a supported method - maybe as BusObj Tech Support too?

You may also find the DB2 documentation useful, it will be in c:\Program Files\Business Objects\Online Guides\EN\DB2_EN.pdf if you’ve got it installed.

RobinM :uk: (BOB member since 2003-02-25)

Thanks for the information. We are using BO 6.5 and DB2 V7.
I had searched for any db2.sql on my local pc where Supervisor is installed and didn’t find any. I do have the DB2 sub-directory in the DataAccess folder, however there is no *.sql file. There are only *.sbo, *.rss, *.prm, etc files.

I had checked on the Unix server just in case and didn’t find either the db2.sql file.
During the install should I had say yes to specific option?
Claudine (BOB member since 2004-09-28)

Thanks for the information. We are using BO 6.5 and DB2 V7.
I had searched for any db2.sql on my local pc where Supervisor is installed and didn’t find any. I do have the DB2 sub-directory in the DataAccess folder, however there is no *.sql file. There are only *.sbo, *.rss, *.prm, etc files.

I had checked on the Unix server just in case and didn’t find either the db2.sql file.
During the install should I had say yes to specific option?

You need to download the Data Access guide from the BusObj tech support website, p78 looks especially relevant – I don’t think the .sql file exists anymore, at least not in the form it was in v5.

Just a correction on my earlier post regarding v5:

:!: Sorry, this is actually wrong. SQL External File actually points to the rss file used, the file for defining the SQL to execute should be referenced by SQL DDL File

RobinM :uk: (BOB member since 2003-02-25)