How can we Export metadata of webi report into XML format?


Can we export the metadata information of a webi report into XML format, using Report Engine SDK (for BO XIR2 SDK)?

i have tried it with Report Engine SDK, i was able to export only the webi report content into XML format but i could’nt export the metadata(data table mappings, table relationships, column datatypes and table source ) information of the report.

Report engine SDK has an Interface XMLView, which has static field META_DATA. how can i explore this one ?

please help me or guide me in right direction.

Please let me know if you have any alternate solutions or work around for this kind of requirement. I Appreciate all your help in providing solution.

Thank you,

sakshi :india: (BOB member since 2006-10-10)

can any one please help me or guide me whether i’m correct or my approach is wrong ???

how can i approach for this kind of requirement ?

all your help is highly appreciated!!


sakshi :india: (BOB member since 2006-10-10)

Sounds to me like you want the Semantic Layer SDK vs the Report Engine SDK.

I’ve not done this but it seems feesible to take a data from the Report Engine SDK results and pass them into the Semantic Layer SDK to get the metadata for the objects used in the report. You can get a lot of guidance in using the Semantic Layer SDK by reviewing

I have to believe that someone has done this as it is a very common need and a definite shortcoming of the BO suite. I’ve not found any commercial or shareware tools that will do this–has anyone else found (or developed) anything. I’m pretty sure that there is a market for it if you have. If not, I’d be interested in partnering with any interested parties in creating one.

mkrigba :us: (BOB member since 2006-11-22)

What I do is using a VBA macro with a commandline grep on the physical WID file. This will give you in combination with the through COM available Infostore objects enough info to do some quick scans on your environment:

eg: What universes are not used? What is the impact of removing or changing object X? etc.etc.

jbo :monaco: (BOB member since 2005-07-31)

Hi jbo,

Can you please explain me how can we use the grep command if its a Windows environment???

I am facing that problem…


manimozhinangai (BOB member since 2007-04-27)