When I get text from HTML file, I got this text on a Excel file and I read text this way:
I can not process text processed as it.
How can I read or how can I convert it as normal text in varchar type¿?
Thank you so much in advance.
carlos.abello (BOB member since 2011-05-25)
If there is only a single level within the cell i.e.
<div><i>Data Here</i></div>
then you could just strip out the html tags using replace_substr
replace_substr(replace_substr(COLUMN, '</i></div>', ''), '<div><i>', '')
If there are multiple levels like so…
<div><i>Data 1</i><i>Data 2</i></div>
you could think about converting the xml into multiple rows like in the following guide http://wiki.sdn.sap.com/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=272794138
dopple (BOB member since 2009-06-19)