Using BO 5.1.3, I’m trying to hide a table based on a formula. It seems simple enough, but for some reason it’s not working…
Using a single data provider, I have dimension objects: Org_Name, Review_Org_Name. All I’m trying to do is hide the report block if Org_Name=Review_Org_Name.
From the Format Block icon | Appearance Tab, I simply placed a checkmark in the “Hide Block” option with the following formula:
…Didn’t work –
I then tried creating a variable flagging the above formula with an “X” … then using this variable to hide the block when the variable is equal to “X”.
(i.e. ==“X”)
…Didn’t work –
I know “Hide Block” is working because it hides it when I do not place a formula in there. In fact, it hides fine when I put the formula =1=1. With this, I tried setting my Variable to 1 instead if “X”. I then created another variable with the formula =1. Then I set these two variables equal to other (i.e. ==)
…Didn’t work –
Again, it seems simple enough, but I’m obviously missing something. Any suggestions?
Thanks in Advance
Synergy121 (BOB member since 2003-04-03)