Help - Users cannot see Personal Documents in WEBI 2.5

We upgraded over the weekend to Business Objects 5.0 and WEBI 2.5. Everything went well, but now the users cannot see their Personal Documents. They can see the Corporate Documents and Inbox documents just fine. This is causing a lot of concern in the user community. If anyone has any suggestions to pass along, I would greatly appreciate it.

One thing I noticed during the upgrade of WEBI. The documentation said to manually copy 3 sets of files from version 2.0 to 2.5 on the cluster manager machine. They are Program Files\BusinessObjects\Universe, Program\Business Objects\UserDocs and Programs\Business Objects\Storage. Our installation only had the first set ( Files\BusinessObjects\Universe). There was an additonal folder created (Program Files\Webintelligence) which had the Storage and UserDocs folders. I noticed all the users personal documents stored in the Storage folder under the Webintelligence folder. Has anyone seen this, and if so what should I do.

Any help at all,would be very welcome.

Thanks a lot,

Kamini Shenoi

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)


Have you saved or renamed the directory containing the .wqy before doing the upgrade?

The storage folder contains all the personal documents with one directory per named user.


Maarten Van Laere
__________________________________________________ Netmining NV/SA -

mySupervisor - administrate via the web your BO users more info at __________________________________________________

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Maarten Van Laere says “The storage folder contains all the personal documents with one directory
per named user”

Maarten, I see the folder Program Files\WEBI\Storage with all the personal documents, so I know they still exist. However when I log on to WEBI and click on Personal Documents, it says that there are no documents. I have not renamed the folder or done anything to it.

I did notice that in the Supervisor, when I set the different Command restrictions for users to use WEBI, there are the options “Read Corporate Docs” and “Read Inbox Docs”, but no “Read Personal Docs”.

Kamini Shenoi

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

What is the patch number? Does anyone know?

I could really use this in the next month or so…


Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

I worked with a tech on a side issue, dual nic install, and he was who mentioned the problem as a known issue… without throwing around names (getting anyone in trouble?), I was told that it may not even be addressed in 5.02 …

Oh yeah, and the machine was the same… Of the test installs, I would uninstall the current copy of BO, run the server install, and then copy the storage folder from my production server.

It worked the second of 3 tries, and actually it probably did NOT work that time - I found that it was hit or miss as to which users’ documents came across, which did not.

I would check very carefully after your 5.0x upgrade(s).


Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)