Help for SDK beginners

I’m new to SDK stuff. I have very basic questionns. Is there any gettingStarted kinda reading material available for the beginners? How to integrate BO with other applications? Any kinda help would be appreciated.


BOisBest :india: (BOB member since 2004-04-05)

Are u talking abt BO SDK or WEBI SDK ?

For BO SDK u need to have little knowledge of VBA. BO SDK manuals can u give a good start as they contain some basic SDK samples. I would suggest those first then You can browse BOB for lot of different examples.

For Webi SDK u need to either have knowledge of ASP or JSP (java). You need to have a look at the WEBI SDK model manual which comes with Business Objects.

That can give you a good start.

Hope it helps!!

JaiGupta (BOB member since 2002-09-12)

Thanks Jai, i’ll go through those manuals.

BOisBest :india: (BOB member since 2004-04-05)