BusinessObjects Board

HANA tables to AWS tables

I am working on a project to repoint my existing unx from HANA tables to AWS tables.
Tables names are the same between the 2 environments.
What will be the best approach to do that with minimal effort?

I am sure the first step is to create the connection to AWS.
Do I also need to bring all the tables from AWS into the universe? Since the name of the tables are the same, can I not repoint the tables to new environment. This way I will not need to change the context either.

If your table and column names are the same between the two databases, you should be fine with just changing the universe connection to point to the new data source.

What may trip you up is any potential data type differences. Be sure to run an Integrity Check on the universe after changing the connection.

Thank you.

I noticed all the objects have the owner listed next to them.
For example: “_SYS_BIC”."EDP_PRSNTN/EDP_TOOLS_PRODUCT_CV".“ATC_DESC” — This is how the objects are listed with current connection of HANA.

I can add an AWS_Redshift connection and switch the connection but there is no owner named “_SYS_BIC”.“EDP_PRSNTN” in AWS.
If we manually update the object it will look like this: edu_cds.edu_cds__product_tbl.ATC_DESC.

Notice there are no double quotes around the objects either.

Yes, changing the owner may be necessary as well if you are displaying and using the owner in your universe.

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