BusinessObjects Board

Global Suggestion List : Suggestion List blank

Hi All ,

I am on DS 4.0 and trying to generate locality and region as output for a given postal code as input via Global Suggestion List transform. For some reason , Global Suggestion List transform is not returning any suggestion. Can someone please look into attached atl and let me know the issue with the job.

Thanks for helping !! (3.0 KB)

Mayank R (BOB member since 2012-02-05)

Anyone ? :crazy_face:

Mayank R (BOB member since 2012-02-05)

Added few screenshots that explain Job flow , Inout data set , Output data set and options configured

Mayank R (BOB member since 2012-02-05)

A little bounce :slight_smile:

Mayank R (BOB member since 2012-02-05)