BusinessObjects Board

getting the full path of a var


I ran the script found in List Objects Used in a set of Documents
but it only display the local name of a var. I would like to have the full path. In our universe, we have many fields who have the same name under different folder. So it is possible to always get the full path.
Note that with this report, if a 2 vars from 2 diff folder have the same name, then I get a partial full name, i.e. it will prefix the var with the folder name.


benoitd (BOB member since 2004-06-30)

This will give you the class the object lives in, which will get you part of the way there…

  AND  (

jac :australia: (BOB member since 2005-05-10)

If you have designer installed on the client, then this code will work for you.

Add the code here into a module making sure you add a reference to the designer library.

' Modulename: mdlListObjectsInReport
' Author: Jon Stokes
' Create Date: 27/06/05
' Purpose: To produce all objects and conditions used in a report and the class/subclasses they belong to
' Paramaters to set:
' None - But designer library must be installed to run this add-in
' Revision History:
' 27/06/05  Creation date
' ========================================================================================
' All public variables declared here
Dim topclass As Boolean
Dim dsgnr As designer.Application
Dim unv As designer.Universe
Dim cls As designer.classes
Dim results As String

Sub ListObjects()

' Main sub to be called for the add in to work. References functions when required

    ' create instance of designer and login
    Set dsgnr = CreateObject("Designer.Application")
    dsgnr.Visible = False
    dsgnr.LoginAs "USERNAME", "PASSWORD", False, "BOMain"

    Set unv = dsgnr.Universes.Open("C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\Universe\UNIVERSENAME")   ' open the universe
    Set cls = unv.classes                       ' reference all the classes in the universe
    results = "" ' clear out the value from the previous run

    ' Reference the dataproviders, queries, results and conditions in the document
    Dim DProv As DataProvider
    Dim Qry As Query
    Dim Res As Result
    Dim Cond As Condition

    Set DProv = ActiveDocument.DataProviders(1)
    For Each Qry In DProv.Queries
        For Each Res In Qry.results
            Call fnCallClass(Res.Class, Res.Object)     ' list the objects
        Next Res
        For Each Cond In Qry.Conditions
            Call fnCallClass(Cond.Class, Cond.Object)   ' list the conditions
        Next Cond
    Next Qry
    ' Bring up a form with the results listed in rows
    debug.print results

    ' close all open objects and destroy active objects
    Set dsgnr = Nothing
    Set unv = Nothing
    Set cls = Nothing

End Sub

Function fnGetClass(clsname)

' Purpose:  To retrieve the class that the classname passed in belongs to

On Error GoTo Err:

    Dim findcls As designer.Class ' class to search for
    Dim rootcls As designer.Class ' the rootclass IE the parent class

    ' reference all classes in the universe
    Set findcls = cls.FindClass(clsname)        ' reference class to search for
    Set rootcls = findcls.RootClass             ' reference rootclass for searched class

    ' get parent class from function
    fnGetClass =

Err:     ' always come here regardless to destroy open objects

    ' Destroy these objects second time around onwards or will cause error
    Set findcls = Nothing
    Set rootcls = Nothing

    If Err.Number = 91 Then ' then this class was top of the tree. Do not run function again
        topclass = True
    End If

End Function

Function fnCallClass(clsname, objname)

' Purpose:  To call function that retrieves class by looping through a classname until reaching the
'           top of the class tree for the that calssname.

    Dim myclassname As String   ' hold string for all the parent classes found
    Dim searchclass As String   ' the class to be searched for. The bottom class in the hierarchy
    myclassname = ""            ' set to blank at beginning
    topclass = False            ' assume not at top of tree on commencement

    searchclass = clsname       ' search for this classname

    For i = 1 To 8              ' decide how many levels up you want to go. Will not error if too many

        If topclass = False Then
            myclassname = myclassname & "/" & searchclass   ' to self plus searched class
            searchclass = fnGetClass(searchclass)           ' set search class for next time around
            myclassname = myclassname                       ' top class found. Just return already found
        End If
    Next i

    results = results & objname & myclassname & vbCrLf  ' print out the full hierarchy of classes. Lowest to highest

End Function

You just need to change the USERNAME, PASSWORD AND UNIVERSENAME.

jonathanstokes (BOB member since 2004-09-17)