GBN discount code for BI + Analytics Conference

Hi GBN community

I am the producer of the BI + Analytics conference this year. Ive worked hard with some of your members to ensure we have content relevant to you. Ive been told the GBN has been disenfranchised in the past and want to reinvigorate the community and make a place for you to learn, collaborate and share.

email me directly and we can get you a GBN only discount to hopefully get you back to the conference to see how much we’ve tried to make it a conference for you!

kyle (BOB member since 2017-02-15)

I’m looking forward to the conference this year. It looks like it’s going to be a great event again.

MichaelWelter :vatican_city: (BOB member since 2002-08-08)

We will probably again organize a party with good music band … live music!
After last year Jazz one we will probably this year go for a rock one …


LANFIELD :us: (BOB member since 2006-05-18)