I am getting a "Your are not authorized to use this document. (FRM0008)’ message for every universe that is created after it has been exported. The creator is unable to edit the universe, only a general supervisor can.
This thread discusses this problem regarding documents, not universes and mentions having to use the Save For All Users option as a fix. This thread implies that the Save for all Users options should not be needed under normal circumstances.
I have read else where regrading the ownership bit and that the repository takes control, but at the moment I find it hard to understand why the creator of the universe is denied.
Question 1
Is denying access to the creator by design? Or am I just doing something wrong?
Question 2
If this is the way it works, what does the general supervisor have to do to allow the universe creator to edit their universe?
I create a new universe and save it. I do not change any of the default properties settings. Then File, Export. Pick a domain and a group. Click O.K and get a Universe successfully exported message. If I remain in designer I can make changes and export successfully again.
Then I close designer. After restarting Designer and Importing, the Universe Imported Successfully message appears. I click OK and then the FRM0008 message appears.
This is a newly (2 weeks ago) configured server and we are just beginning to implement BOBJ.
I have 3 Universe domains; production, test & development. I have tried using different connections and exporting to different domains but the problem persists.
You have to be very careful with Designer. The bottom line is that you should never change the location of the universe. If you save, do NOT do a “Save As” as it will get out of sync. When you import, you import only to the folder that matches the domain you are importing from. Meaning if you import from Prod you should write to the Prod folder. To move the universe to Development, you should then Export the universe to the Dev environment.
So far I had always accepted whatever the defaults were. I have not used Save As but did not pay particular attention to where it was going either.
I performed anther test and payed closer attention. I saved the new universe in the folder called “Universe_Dev” and imported it into the same folder, but FRM0008 still appeared.
I noticed that the Import Dialogue box was intelligent enough to change the import folder setting to match the domain setting.
The first time I saved it was in Universe_Dev. My rationalization was - save it in the folder that corresponds to the domain I intend to export it to.
Nope, I am not deleting the universe.
I also tried another test. I created a new universe saved it and exported it. I closed the universe but not Designer and I was able to reopen the universe. The problem seems to be triggered as soon as I exit Designer.
I think I resolved it. I decided to take a close look at Supervisor.
I have one parent group used to set configuration rights and another used to set access to data (documents & universes.) So every user has at least two instances.
Well, I had set up the designers with designer profiles in the configuration group but as Versatile in the data access group. I changed the Versatile profile to Designer: FRM0008 went away.
Not necessary. When you create a universe, it is in the “base” folder where unsecured universes live. When you export for the first time, the .UNV file is moved to the “dev” or “prod” or whichever folder matches the domain that you export to.
When you export a “dev” universe to “prod” the UNV file is copied, not moved.
Glad you got your problem sorted, it was beginning to boggle my mind.