Free Hand SQL Report based on Procedure ???

Hi Team
I have to create a Free hand sql reports based the customized views created by DBA and on some requirement, DBA has created a Stored procedure to generate the data and stored in the table. From Business Objects point of view, i need to call the procedure and then based the data set generated by the procedure, I have to build the report.

So whenever the user runs a report with parameters, based on that the report should call stored procedure and generat the data in the table based on the inputs, and as well in the report to be executed based on the same inputs given to procedure.

Is it possible ?. If its possible can any please tell me the steps to be done.
Thanks for your time,

  • please let me know if i’m not clear on the issue.

ellis27 :us: (BOB member since 2004-06-22)

You can call stored procedures from free hand sql and pass parameters to the data base using a user defined function to start the procedure and another user defined function to retrieve the data.

These threads are useful

Paul Shovlar :uk: (BOB member since 2002-09-05)