Framed display of reports


I am new to Application Foundation. I have a set of linked reports throught HTML hyperlinks. The links have been used to generate pseudo drill down. My default display is pioe chart and with the help of hyperlinks, the pie chart can be drilled to multiple levels. Now, for each pie chart there is a correponding balanced scorecard which is available on click of a hyperlink.

Now my requirement is to have a framed display for pie charts alone. In other words, there is a summary pie chart from which other pie charts are obtained by drilling. Now, the summary pie chart needs to be in 1 static frame while the drilled pie charts should be in other frame. On click of the links, the pie charts should open in the other frame while the static frame report needs to be unrefreshed… At any point of time when the scorecard link is clicked, the display should change to a normal page instead of a framed one.

I feel that there should be some amount of SDK and custom coding required to achieve the same.

My questions are:

  1. How do I achieve my requirement?
  2. I didnt see any SDK specific to App foundation. Will WebI SDK cater to App foundation requirements too.?

Please give me this information…

Thanks in Advance…

Venkatesh V.

v_venkie (BOB member since 2004-06-09)

One simple way to do this w/o SDK or customization is to define the frame in which you want your detail level Analytic to be displayed as “Viewer” and then use standard AF url (“openAnalytic”) to display the detail level analytic.

i_amit123 :india: (BOB member since 2002-10-09)

Hi Amit,

Just how can this be done?


rach (BOB member since 2004-08-25)

Hi Venkey,

I am new to this application. I have to create set of linked reports throught HTML hyperlinks. The links will used to generate pseudo drill down. my default display should be pie chart and with the help of hyperlinks, the pie chart should be drilled to multiple levels. Now, for each pie chart there should be a correponding balanced scorecard which is available on click of a hyperlink.

Please let me how to do this requirement. it would be greate help if you provide your mailid.


ravek (BOB member since 2006-08-03)