Below is my formula, which works exactly as I want, but some of the values result in zero, but in Webi it displays as a blank. Is there a way to modify this formula so that if the value is zero, it generates 0 instead of blank? (this is one line of a long complex formula but these are the ones that generate blanks…
[Note Bill Type Code] InList (“B”;“C”) And [Note Pmt Sched Type Code] = “0” Then [Note Daily Accrual Amount]*30 ElseIf
Thanks, but I am a little new at this. If this segment of my formula sometimes returns blanks, how do I incorporate the isnull() into it in order to get zeros where there are blanks?
If [Note Bill Type Code] InList (“B”;“C”) And [Note Pmt Sched Type Code] = “P” And ToNumber([Note Pmt Sched Payment Plan Nbr]) = 002 Then [Billing Interest Amount] + [Billing Principal Amount] ElseIf
=If([Note Bill Type Code] InList (“B”;“C”) And [Note Pmt Sched Type Code] = “P” And ToNumber([Note Pmt Sched Payment Plan Nbr]) = 002 Then [Billing Interest Amount] + [Billing Principal Amount] Else 0)