Is there a way to convert a number into text when I build my variable?
Thank you in advance.
catherinegaucher (BOB member since 2014-06-05)
Is there a way to convert a number into text when I build my variable?
Thank you in advance.
catherinegaucher (BOB member since 2014-06-05)
FormatNumber([Revenue];"#,##.00") returns 835,420.00 if [Revenue] is 835,420
this is used for XI versions from help section of functions in modify mode of webi Report if you are using webi 6 then check the equivalent syntax for this
haider (BOB member since 2005-07-18)
He is asking to convert a number to text and not format the number. for that we can use char(object) to convert into text
surya_sudheer (BOB member since 2006-11-01)
He?! I would suggest She.
Can you please think before you post, I have noticed that a lot of your answers are either wrong or irrelevant?
We like to be accurate when we post, as this will help others in the future.
Haider is correct here.
Thank you.
Mak 1 (BOB member since 2005-01-06)
but she is asking to convert number to text when she creates a variable
surya_sudheer (BOB member since 2006-11-01)
Yes and that is what FormatNumber does, it returns a string.
Mak 1 (BOB member since 2005-01-06)
Char doesn’t do that. Char returns the character associated with an ASCII code, so char(123) returns {
Just use
Hope this will help…
PathFinder (BOB member since 2012-01-05)