BusinessObjects Board

For Input string "10/10/2013" (LO 26000 )

Dear Friends,
help me please to solve this issue, stuck for 5 days already :frowning:

the case is as follows:

I have task to design a dashboard for a period of time with 2 input parameters- start date and end date, which will indicate beginning and the end of range to fetch data.

From the universe I drag and drop all needed objects and put filter for the date(prompt)
Then, I imported data from webi to Excel document and bind both date parameters. I checked them, by changing the date and it resulted in “refresh of the object” as expected.
After that, I went to Xcelsius and imported that Excel document and in turn bind Input text controller to that cell with input parameter. Again whenever I change date in spreadsheet part of Xcelsius, it refreshes the DATA, but in canvas it shows DATE as NUMBER and in Preview MODE it prompts me "For Input string “10/10/2013” (LO 26000 )" Error.

I’ve checked format starting from webi(it was DATE) to Xcelsius and Spreadsheet(also date).

Could anybody help me in this DEAD-END situation?
Thanks in advance.

sharkspeare (BOB member since 2013-07-15)

I think from reading this that its a fairly easy resolution.

If you start with a new canvas, its probably easier to work through an example.

  • Put a calendar control on your canvas and associate the destination field to cell 1 in your spreadsheet.
  • Put a label component onto your canvas and associate it with cell A1.

Preview your dashboard and change the date and you’ll see that the label is returning a number.

  • insert the following into cell a2 =day(A1) &"/"& month(A1) &"/"& year(A1)
  • put a second label on your canvas and point it at A2.

Preview your dashboard and the date should represent how you want.

If you use cell A2 as the source for your prompt, you should find it passes ok.

Ozzy_BOBJ :australia: (BOB member since 2013-03-20)