This is an issue I’ve been wrestling with for a couple of days.
I have Items which group into Item Families. And I have 3 calculations. Calc A is a complicated local variable. Calc B is a complicated local variable. Calc C is based on Calc A and Calc B. (Don’t struggle with the numbers in the following - they won’t make sense)
Item Family Item Id Calc A Calc B Calc C
ABC A 10 15 17.5
ABC B 15 20 28
ABC C 18 25 26.3
DEF D 22 42 35
DEF E 25 36 41
DEF F 21 38 35
Calc C is the only one that I need to see in the report. What I want to do is to be able to roll Calc C up to the Item Family level. Calc C is additive but when I delete the Item Id from the report, Calc A and Calc B are re-calculated at the Item Family level and Calc C is calculated from them. This ends up being wrong.
So, I’d like to see
Item Family Calc C
ABC 71.8
DEF 111
What I want is for Calc A, Calc B, and Calc C to still calculate at the Item Id level and then sum Calc C for me. I have a feeling that I should be able to fix Calc A and Calc B to be calculated at only the Item Id level but am not sure how to do it ??
Is there any way to do this ??
Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)