Filters Not Working in Section

Good morning. I’m new to Business Objects and to this website, so I apologize if this question is too basic or not in the correct place.

The issue I’m having has to do with a variable I created to filter the data once the report is generated. I’m working with GPS data, and the variable assigns a number to how many days are between the initial transmission and the date of the current transmission. The plan then is to filter out all data that is within the first 90 days of the first transmission.

The variable and filter work perfectly when I apply it to main area of the report. But when I try to create a section that breaks the data down by Account, something isn’t working. The “Days Between” variable shows #UNAVAILABLE, so that seems to be the main issue at this point.

Can anyone explain why the variable does not work in the Section, but works fine in the main part of the report?

If it helps, here’s the coding for the variable I’m using to filter:

=DaysBetween([Min Transmission Date];[GPS].[Transmission Date]) ForEach ([GPS].[Transmission Date])

Also, “Min Transmission Date” is a simple variable that is coded:

=Min([GPS].[Transmission Date]) In ([Account Full Name])

Thank you in advance for any help you can offer!

starr94 (BOB member since 2015-04-02)

Hi starr,

As I can see, you have 2 sources and you did a merge of dimentions to create your variables.

As I could understand, the problem is those merges that you did. Maybe you have to add more dimentions to merge and use those dimentions to create your variables.

You are doing mix of dimentions from 1 source and another one… Those dimentions can not be found in bouth sources. That could be the problem.

Check it out if your merge and sources are alright first.

Please, let me see your you sources.

See you,

defaro :brazil: (BOB member since 2006-09-01)

Hi defaro - I appreciate your help. I think I was able to resolve the issue on my own. It’s not the most efficient/elegant solution, but it seems to be working for this situation.

Thank you!


starr94 (BOB member since 2015-04-02)