my Dashboard should display the Data of the last 3 Months. If i use a filter, i can only manually say to take July, June, May.
But i want a filter, that gives the actual months and the two months before.
Months between “actual Month” AND “actual Month - 2”
Is there any chance to do it automatically? Maybe in Information Design tool, Webi or Xcelsius?
In Information Design Tool, i had to use a Filter with a Where SQL statement?
Or… with what item i had to realize it?
I have a Table only for alle Date Formatings. There are columns like Month No. or Date. How would you realize it in the Information Design tool, independent from the Database?
Another option would be to make a formula in Xcelsius that gives a result of “Yes” or “No” or True/False or something similar.
The formula would have to calculate the difference in months between current data and the data date, and if that value is <=2 then “True”. Then you can filter on that value you pick. Depending on what formula you use, though, be careful about dates across different years…
For instance, if you use the Month formula, right now you could say if month(currentdate) - month (datadate) <= 2, then if the data date was June you’d get 8-6, which is fine. But if you’re currently in January, then you could get 1-11, which would be -10.
You use a derived table…this derived table will only return 3 months of data. Insert a derived table and put your custom SQL in there. This is very common.