File hyperlink not working for Crystal Reports in BI 4.2

We are using Crystal Reports 2016 (SP 5) and I am testing using a hyperlink to a file. It works fine locally, But attempting to use the hyperlink on the BI platform fails (4.2 SP 5). I have tried different methods to create the hyperlink. I either get a bad URL (trying to open a file on the server’s C: drive) to a time out error using a UNC path (it is adding a https: to the beginning of the UNC string). Any ideas on how to fix this?

kevlray :us: (BOB member since 2010-06-23)

So my issue still exists. Appears that it may be a ‘feature’ in most browsers to not allow you to open a file this way. A SAP rep is checking for a solution.

kevlray :us: (BOB member since 2010-06-23)