Hi ‘Guys’!
I’m older than dirt but just a baby at this BI ‘stuff’ and enjoying it! Pls have patience with me.
We’re using BO5.1.5, Webi 2.7.1 and ZABO. I have been reading, editing, testing, reading over and over. When a full client report with prompts is run on WEBI, I see trash characters at the end of the last value. While it works fine in FC, I can see the characters in the source code on the WEBI. I have clicked and unclicked so many different options and changed the universe prompts etc., etc., etc. Rather than continuing to run in forty directions, can someone please get me going in the right direction?
I’m also looking forward to meeting you folks at the conference in November!
Thanks so much for your help!
I’ve seen this lately because of changes in our database where values are less than field size - 6 digits in a char 10 field. I believe it is related to spaces somehow. Try deleting trailing breaks in your LOV when you edit it. That seemed to do it for one object I tried it on.
Thanks for your reply, Scottt! I wish that was my problem. It’s a 3 char field and the only values are each 3 characters. I can hard code it, but was hoping not to have to do that. I’m having the problem on other prompts too. This report is basically quite simple. There are three prompts. The first is for a 3 char service area. The only two valid choices are ‘ESD’ and ‘MED’. The WEBI list shows the following list -
The second prompt is for the month - The correct list (in correct order) of the 3 char months displays with 2 strange characters at the end of Dec - the last month in the list.
The third prompt is for the year. The acceptable years from 2002 thru 2009 are listed -
Dec with the same 2 strange characters at the end of Dec.
I definitely feel like it’s something simple and obvious to the rest of the world, but apparently not to me. Have any ideas besides retraining me? Thanks!
Have you looked at the SQL used to generate your LOV? Try running that SQL in another tool, loke TOAD or PLSQL. See what happens there. If it’s good there, but still happening in Webi, you may be encountering a bug. Perhaps it’s time to open a Tech Support case.
BTW, welcome to BOB. Click here to let us know how you found out about BOB. 8)
wait now - I remember this; seems like it got covered here awhile back but I don’t remember the details. I’ll see if I can search for it.
edit - what I thought I remembered was — the last value in the View Data window was being scrambled - in much the same way as your prompt.
As Michael said, call BO tech support -