Exporting Linked Universes

HELP!!! I have inherited a mess. By tomorrow afternoon, I have to have a linked universe exported to a new BizO repo. My universe consists of 1 really large univ made up of 12 little universes. I am working with two different compelete repos with two different BOMain.keys. Here are my steps: 1) Launch Designer in the Test repo (as GenSupr, or regular super rights). 2) Import each little univ and do a save as because I need to change the univ namename.
(I have tried save for all users checked and not checked). 3) Do step 2 for the BIG univ.
4) Change BOMain.keys
5) Launch Designer in the Prod. repo (as GenSupr, or regular super rights.) 6) Open the little univ from my ā€œCā€ drive, change the connect string and export.
7) Open the big unig from my ā€œCā€ drive, change the connect string and export.

I can see all 13 univ in supervisor module, Good. I can use all 12 little univ in Designer (import them from the new repo) and run queries against them in BizO, Good. I can not touch the big univ in designer or BizO, BAD!
The error message I get is:
The universe ID does not exist in the repository.

HELP! Does anyone have any suggestions what could be going on here? Suggestions to try? I am open!

Sandy Brotje
Roadway Express

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)


Business Objects does not allow migration of dynamically linked universes to a totally different repository. My guess is that when you expport the little guys they got different ids in the new repository. Therefore the big guy cannot access the little guys anymore. The only way suggested by Business Objects is to include the little guys in the derived big universe and then export it to the other repository. I do not remember whether this also worked very well or not.

(You can export linked universes from one domain to another in the same repository but this also failed in our case)

There is only one other solution which has worked in our case but I am not sure about the implication in the long term( Therefore if you use it you will be doing so at your own risk !!!). So far we have have been lucky.

We had no option but to keep the dynamically linked universe as it is. So we just exported the development universe repository tables initially once into the production repository. This ensured that the universe ids and objects are all there in the production and identical with the development repository. That way the two repositories are in total sync.-- with all ids etc. Then you can export any universe from development to production and overwrite the ones in production (Do not delete any universe from the production repository and then export from development because then it will cause it to get a new id again- the only option is to overwrite the old ones and that way maintain the old ids that the derived universe and reports can see)

I will again like to repeat the caveat about the long term effects. Better to consult a Business Objects expert.


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Author: Sandy Brotje sbrotje@ROADWAY.COM at Internet
Date: 7/29/98 12:12 PM

I can see all 13 univ in supervisor module, Good. I can use all 12 little univ in Designer (import them from the new repo) and run queries against them in BizO, Good. I can not touch the big univ in designer or BizO, BAD!
The error message I get is:
The universe ID does not exist in the repository.

HELP! Does anyone have any suggestions what could be going on here? Suggestions to try? I am open!

Sandy Brotje
Roadway Express

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)