BusinessObjects Board

Event-based monthly reports run one day late

Hello, we have many reports scheduled to run on the 2nd business day of the month. The BO calendar called “Second Business Day” has the correct dates.
The reports are scheduled to run after a System Event (text file is placed into a specific folder).
The problem is, all the reports using the 2nd Business Day calendar with the System Event run a day late. If I run them without the System Event, they run correctly on the 2nd Business Day.

Our daily reports run correctly with a business days calendar and the System Event.
What would cause the monthly reports to run a day late?

The text file is placed into the folder around 4:20am.
The reports are scheduled to run at various times. For example, one report is scheduled to run at 7:30am, but it ran on July 3 instead of July 2.
The reports are webi.

Appreciate any help on this.

Thank you.

I think you will find that the scheduled time needs to occur before the file event of the text file delivery.
The Event is like a condition that needs to be satisfied.
I believe you would need to schedule ALL your jobs to run @ say 3am, they will go into"pending". As soon as BOBJ detects the text file delivery, the scheduled jobs will run.
I have an SSIS task that generates a text file that i need a report on…
At 2am my BOBJ schedule triggers and waits… Around 4am, the first SSIS step is to delete the existing text file, the SSIS task runs ( Its fast) … WAIT 30 SECONDS … then write the new file.
The wait is to ensure that BOBJ recognizes that the file has gone, and then arrives. The file delivery event satisfies the condition that the BOBJ job is waiting on, so the job finally runs.


The logic for scheduling with events is not as sophisticated as it should be. When you combine a recurring schedule with an event, a good way to think of what happens is this: at the scheduled time, the server begins waiting for the event. Then, when the event fires, the report will run.

This is consistent with the behavior you’re seeing. At 7:30am your report starts waiting for the event. The file is placed at 4:20am the next day, and that’s when the report runs.

You have a couple of potential solutions. The easiest would be to schedule the reports at some time prior to when the file is expected to drop. For example, if you schedule them for 1:00am, and you know the files will never be dropped before that time, then the report will run when the event fires at 4:20am.

If you really need the report to run at 7:30am and not earlier, then unfortunately that can’t be done natively with scheduling in BO. You would need to implement that logic externally or with custom coding. For example, you could have an external process that watches for the file to be dropped, then waits until 7:30am, and drops its own file. The BO report can then be scheduled to watch for that second file, and runs with a frequent recurrence (ex., hourly).


Thank you, JohnInNZ and JoePeters.
I used a poor example in my post, as most of our reports are scheduled for around 3am. Even though this timing works for the daily reports, from your responses I realized that the end of month jobs are different, therefore they end at a different time. I never thought of that! I am going to revise the monthly report schedules to be for 1:00am and see what happens in September.

JoePeters, we do not need the reports to be run at 7:30am; any time is fine as long as they run.

We do have old reports set up by former employees that are scheduled for various times, as in the example I gave. I will change all of them.

Thank you so much,

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