Error while exporting BO report to excel


My BO 4.1 gives me the following error while I try to export a report into excel.
“Could not find Installable ISAM (3170).” Export into a txt file works fine though. Does anybody have any clues as to why is this happening.

Thanks in advance

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)


I just had the same problem, and re-installed Bus Obj … and BINGO !!


BusinessObjects accesses the above formats via Microsoft Data Access Objects (DAO) technology. The error occurs when DAO cannot find the correct dll file for accessing the application or the dll file has not been properly installed.
The dll files concerned are named MS??3032.dll. (For example, MSXL3032.dll for Excel, MSTX3032.dll for text files, etc.) RESOLUTION
Re-install the 32-bit ODBC found on the BusinessObjects CD Rom. This will install the ISAM engine in the registry.

From: Singh, Anand (GEL,MSX) [SMTP:Anand.Singh@LIGHTING.GE.COM]

My BO 4.1 gives me the following error while I try to export a report into excel.
“Could not find Installable ISAM (3170).”

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

On Tue, 15 Feb 2000 17:55:47 -0500, Singh, Anand (GEL,MSX) Anand.Singh@LIGHTING.GE.COM wrote:


My BO 4.1 gives me the following error while I try to export a report into excel.
“Could not find Installable ISAM (3170).” Export into a txt file works fine though. Does anybody have any clues as to why is this happening.

Thanks in advance

Just worked on exactly the same problem… which was resolved by loading the Microsoft ODBC drivers from the B.O. installation CD. Hope that helps.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)


You are receiving this error because of an ODBC problem. On the original BusObj CD, go to Microsoft \ DataAcc \ DataAcc.exe and install it. This is the MS Data Access Pack and when installed, you should no longer receive the error message. This worked for me when I encountered the problem several months ago.

Jim Salyers, Jr.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)