Error running cmsCollector


I have been fighting with Data Service Metadata Integrator for a couple of days.

At the moment I am running the program, cmsCollector.cmd, from the command line.

Its pulling some data into the DS Repository but not the universe data. The error being displayed is:

Univere [xxxx]. Unable to parse responce from COM collector. null
Univers [xxxx]. Collection failed. Correct errors indicated in log and rerun the integrator

I have came across posts regarding changing the properies of Designer in the dcomcnfg, but Designer is not a class listed.


Thanks in advance!

rbowie (BOB member since 2005-10-03)

what is the version of DataServices ?
are you able to import a Universe from Universe Designer on that machine ?

manoj_d (BOB member since 2009-01-02)


Thanks for the reply.

We are using XI3.1.

Yes, I am able to import a universe while on that server.

I have DS and BOE on different servers. I installed only the metadata integrator on the BOE server.

rbowie (BOB member since 2005-10-03)

I dont supose anyone knows how to progress this?

rbowie (BOB member since 2005-10-03)

I will have to look at your env will it possible for you to file a support case
since you are on DS 12.1, I would first suggest trying the following

since you have only installed Metadata Integrator on BOE server, take DS and install Metadata Integrator from that on the BOE Server (upgrade only the Metadata Integrator to and now try to run

you don’t have to upgrade the complete DS to 12.2.3 if you don’t want to do that

manoj_d (BOB member since 2009-01-02)