"Error Message: Internal error." in Business Objec

hi all,

while logging into Business objects reporter i am getting “Error Message: Internal error.”.

can anybody tell me what could be possible causes for the same. and how to resolve it.

i am using Business Objects 6.5.2.



ashish_infy (BOB member since 2007-02-11)

Have you done enough search in the forum?

one of the posible reasons-:

  1. Check your TNSNMAES.ora file in case of oracle to see whether you have access to the DB you/administrator has created teh repository.
    You have .key files that has DB entry different from the tnsnames.ora file.

One eample of above is i did not mak entries in the tnanames.ora file for the PROD database and tried to loginto the PROD reporsitory, so i got the error as iternal error.

Also check whether DB on which reporsitory is built is up or down.

Do get back if it still happens even if having all the above scenarios addresed.

I have worked only on ORACLE database in my company so gave example of that. Do not know about otehr database connections, if you are using ODBC then do check the ODBC also.

Omkar Paranjpe :us: (BOB member since 2006-02-13)

TNSNAMES.ora file has proper entry. anything else can be a problems?

ashish_infy (BOB member since 2007-02-11)

Clicking on Details button gives a more specific error description.
Paste that here.


haider :es: (BOB member since 2005-07-18)

it gives a simple warning “Internal Problem”. it doesnt give any details. i also aware of details option but in this case it doesnt appear-

ashish_infy (BOB member since 2007-02-11)

Always do a
Search before opening new post.
keywords: “Error Message: Internal error” or “Internal error”

This has already been discussed n number of times in the past.

Check one here:


haider :es: (BOB member since 2005-07-18)

For post 2017 users who look at this post:

  1. For the love of god stop using BO5, migrate to supported solution

  2. When configuring locations of LocData , Universe, BQY and ShData - make sure the user have read/write access to all of these locations

  3. Oracle users - try to login via sqlplus to eliminate tnsnames.ora problems/ access token problems

  4. Its f***ing 2017 , stop using BO5

YCohenDev (BOB member since 2017-12-04)

I have seen this error when trying to log into BusObjs 6.5. It occurs when you enter a password that has an invalid character in it.

If you are in Supervisor 6.5, and go to Tools / Options / Repository, at the bottom of the screen, you will see a list of the valid characters that have been defined to your repository.

If you try to enter a password with any character that is not in this list, you will get the ‘Internal Error’ message.

I don’t know if there are other reasons to get this error message, but I have seen invalid password characters cause it.

Good luck - Angelia