We have a batch script that adds date extenstion to the end of those 25 reports and move them to a different folder. The batch script is activated by completion of report #25.
However, report #25 does not always finish last. For example, report #24 or #23 might finish last.
Our batch file will kick-off without the remaining reports.
How do I ensure that the last report submitted is also the last report to finish refreshing? (I am looking for the most maintenance friendly way.)
Instead of kicking off batch script when report #25 is present, kick off batch script when their are 25 files present. Then it does not matter what order they finish in.
We would like to maintain control of the whole process and keep it in Business Objects. We would like the failure notification to be from Business Objects. If we used the batch script to do the count, then the controlling component would be the batch script and not B.O.
Plus, we would like to narrow down our error options. For example, if the last refresh does not run, then we know it is definitely B.O. error. However, if we rely on the batch file, then it could be a network error, read/write priv., etc… in addition to B.O.
Put the save to folder with date extension in a macro in each report. Then when scheduling on BCA have it run the macro. Something along the lines of.
Refresh document
Save document with date extension
We do this a lot. All of our scheduled reports run using a macro that calls an addin on the server. The addin emails or ftp the document where needed.