Edit Web Intelligence Report in Other User's Favorites Folde

We have some universes that we have upgraded to UNX from UNV. There are dozens of reports that use the old universe in different user’s favorites folders. The only way I know to change the universe is to use the Applet for WebI, however, we don’t allow our end users to do this, so I want to change those universes for them, but I can’t without copying the report out of their favorites to another folder, updating, then copying back.

Anyone know of a way to edit a WebI that’s in another user’s favorites folder as a system admin?

millertom :us: (BOB member since 2016-08-31)

As a system admin you can access the reports via Personal Folders in the CMC.

Nick Daniels :uk: (BOB member since 2002-08-15)

Don’t know if the SDK sample could help you?


Mak 1 :uk: (BOB member since 2005-01-06)

I can access, yes, but I can’t edit through the CMC as far as I can tell.


millertom :us: (BOB member since 2016-08-31)

Right click on a report, select View and go from there.

Bob Junior :uk: (BOB member since 2005-04-23)

Thanks, Mak. I’m looking at that tool now. Looks like it might do what I need.

Viewing in CMC doesn’t give me the option of changing the source universe, unless I am doing something wrong. It doesn’t use the Applet for modifying the WebI like the Launch Pad does, and I can’t see other people’s favorites folder through the Launch Pad like I can in CMC.

EDIT: Thanks to Bob Jr, I did more digging and found that I had the View set to use HTML rather than the Applet. Once I set that to use the Applet, I was able to view a WebI, switch to Modify and then change the universe.

Thanks for the help!

millertom :us: (BOB member since 2016-08-31)