Easily avoid time-outs in big screen dashboard (BOBJ 4.1)

In Xi 3.1 you could easily “fool” BOBJ by adding a dummy datasource (QaaWS/BIWS) to your dashboard which refreshes every 10 minutes (or less). This then will avoid session time outs in InfoView when viewing the dashboard

But in BOBJ 4.1 BILaunchpad- and dswsbob-sessions are two different sessions so this trick doesn’t work anymore.

So I have a big-screen SAP dashboard in BOBJ 4.1 which refreshes it’s data every 1-2 minutes but it get’s session timed out after 20 minutes.

Is there a easy way to avoid this?

  • I don’t want to increase session time-out for all users

Is there some sort of script (HTML or Powershell) which we can use to show this dashboard on a big-screen not bothered by session-time-outs?

We’re also using Windows AD authentication… so it shouldn’t be that hard… :nonod:

Tiny :netherlands: (BOB member since 2004-11-10)

What about deploying outside of Infoview? I have a big-screen dashboard in our control centre that refreshes every 3 minutes. It’s just a SWF hosted on our intranet and only falls over if there’s a network problem.


Debbie :uk: (BOB member since 2005-03-01)

Could you give me some pointers how to set-up this?

Cause my big-screen dashboard now uses BIWS (to webi documents) to retrieve data… so how will this work when you are outside InfoView/BILaunchpad

Tiny :netherlands: (BOB member since 2004-11-10)

Sorry - I only use XML connections, so I haven’t a clue how BIWS works. But getting the data via webi shouldn’t affect how you choose to deploy - should it?


Debbie :uk: (BOB member since 2005-03-01)

Just throwing ideas, but maybe you could create a dummy universe connection that refresh every 10 minutes, instead of a BIWS?

Maybe you could look at some chrome addons like Staying Alive.

We have some dashboards on an extranet and we use a third party app to log our dashboards, and they all re-create the connection when triggered so we never time-out.

Derf :canada: (BOB member since 2011-05-16)

The universe connection part got me thinking…

But does a universe connection works differently then a BIWS/QaaWs connection with regards to time-outs?


Just added a unv connection to my big screen dashboard with the settings set tot refresh every 5 minutes

But still a session time-out pops-up… :frowning:

So that doesn’t work

Tiny :netherlands: (BOB member since 2004-11-10)


"Here also we will create additional web service in the dashboard which is set to trigger after every 10 minutes and once we view the dashboard in the BI Launchpad on the contrary we observe that after 20 minutes the dashboard gets timed out and we get a error “Not a Valid Token FWB(00003)”.

This is due to fact that unlike BO XI 3.1 the same session is not shared between BILaunchpad and the dswsbobje and there is a separate session for both of them.So in this case dswsbobje does not time out at all due to the dummy web service however the BI Launchpad times out after 20 minutes.This is by design behaviour and a possible workaround for this is to export the dashboard to pdf or swf and directly view this pdf or swf on the local machine."

Derf :canada: (BOB member since 2011-05-16)