Was not able to create topic in Scheduling forum that’s why raising it in General discussion.
The issues which we are facing is, we are scheculing some reports on a monthly basis and because subject and name changes every month we have to manually schedule these report every month,
In August file name would be 1408_CompanyName_version.pdf
in September it will be 1409_CompanyName_version.pdf
with respect to month and version file name changes every month, is there a way to do it automatically instead of scheduling every month?
I am still struggling on how to dynamically change or add the month name/number in the file name and the subject of my Email while scheduling my reports
Sorry for coming late on this, got stuck on other stuffs but this is still pending
With regards to your query:
That is what I want to know is there a way we can store these dynamic values (month or year) anywhere in any variable or any item which we can refer in email subject and file name like predefined Placeholders? or is there a way we can create custom Placeholders? so that we don’t need to create schedule every month manually.
You can make use of Dynamic Recipients. You would set up a second report that supplies values to be used in a filter in the main report; that filtered value can then be used as a placeholder in outgoing emails.
My query is not regards to the recipients of the report, it is with respect to the content (Subject, filename) of the mail.
Please refer my first post, our subject and filename of the mail changes with respect to the month and because of that we have to do the scheduling every month.
I just want to know if we can store the month number anywhere in BO environment which we can refer in the mail’s subject line so that once it is specified it will take the month’s value from there and we don’t need to do the scheduling every month.
Hi Tauceef,
You can use the dynamic Recipient Publication to have dynamic name. I have done this myself for dynamic naming for each month and for each recipient.
I have find it out what you have suggested, actually this is the first time I am dealing with Dynamic Client functionality so it took me little longer to work it out.
Year and Months are now coming up dynamically but one issue I have now it as both Year and Month are numbers when I use them in the Emails Subject or File name both are getting displayed in decimal eg. for March 2015 when I use the placeholder its displaying like 2015.03.0 where 2015.0 is the year and 3.0 is month.
Please let me know how can I avoid those decimals?
@tauceef What kind of source document are you using? Is it Webi or Crystal?
You can write a query in db to give you the whole name including the month and year. Use this query in the CR and build a report on it. It will dynamically give you the year and the month.